About Me

And The Story of How We Decided to Move to Cape Coral, Florida

tamara b

It was the winter of 2006 and I was shoveling snow for what seemed the 99th time........ and I was getting tired of it!

We were living in Connecticut at the time, and as I was shoveling that snow...... I was dreaming of Florida, so warm and sunny.

My daughter's friend had moved to Cape Coral and every time she would talk to him on the phone, we would ask him about the weather.

While we were freezing up north, it was usually in the low 80's down in the Cape ...... very hard to imagine such a thing!

I was also thinking about several vacations we had taken to Little Gasparilla Island, which is north of Ft. Myers, where my brother had a beach house.

I just loved the area and couldn't stop thinking of the beach, the palm trees, and all that lovely sunshine!

A few months later we came down to Cape Coral for a visit and I decided to move here.

We sold our house that summer and moved down in the fall. I love the weather, our community, and everything about it here and still do, all these many years later.

cape coral fla

It Was a Little Crazy.....

When we moved to Cape Coral, I didn't have a job. Because we were a homeschooling family, I knew that I wanted to work from home.

I did some research online about easy-to-build websites and found SBI Sitesell.

SBI stands for Solo Build It, and not only do they host your website, but they teach you how to monetize it.

You can't just slap up a website and expect it to make you money.

You need to write lots of good content, know how to get the right keywords, where to put them, and drive lots of traffic to your website.

I knew nothing about building websites and very little about computers, and yet, I built Come-to-Cape-Coral.com all by myself!

It's relatively easy, but don't get me wrong, it's a lot of work and takes time. But it is work that I enjoy ....... and that's the point ....... you learn how to build a website about something that you love, or that you know ....... and you learn various ways your website can make you money as either part-time or full-time income.

I don't know about you, but I don't believe in get-rich-quick schemes anyways! Hardly anybody is lucky enough to make money that way.

There's also something to be said about a sense of accomplishment by building a profitable business on your own.

  • Here's proof that SBI works!
  • SBI gives you the tools you need to know to drive traffic and make money with a website with their CTPM process. You learn in your own time, at your own pace. There's help available and step-by-step instructions.
  • Compare SBI to other webhosts, read the case studies to get ideas and see all the different kinds of websites you can build, and see how they answer negative urban myths about their service.
  • Or, if you prefer, take a video tour to see what SBI is all about ......... even professional webmasters are catching on to the benefits SBI offers.
yacht club cape coral fl

Have you been wanting to build an online business? Build it with SBI!

If you like to travel, learn how to build a travel website, just like I've done with Come to Cape Coral.com.

If you are pressed for time, you can even have SBI build your site for you ....... there are several options.

Have questions? Ask SBI anything!

Try their 90-day risk-free trial with money-back guarantee and find out about the special prize of freedom and joy that you can achieve with building your own website business.

sbi business

If you're still unsure, I have Master Courses from SBI that you can download for free as ebooks, with actual case studies of successful SBI'ers, and lots of helpful tips and information to give a further understanding of how to build a profitable web business that you will enjoy.

Click on the links or icons below to read or download any or all of these free courses:

WAHM Masters Course
This Master Course is called WAHM-IT! and is for Work At Home Moms.

You will meet 4 moms and hear how they started and maintained their businesses with a busy family life.

Find ideas and receive encouragement on how to start your own business.

Service Selling Masters Course
This Master Course is for those with businesses offering services.

This is a great way to increase your client base and profits.

If you've been wanting to start a web presence or improve a website you already have, this ebook is for you.

Net Auction Masters Course
Have you been interested in having an online auction business?

Many people start their online business with eBay, but don't know how to make a good enough income from it.

This Master Course will teach you techniques on how to make a profitable an eBay auction business.

Affiliate Masters Course
Another idea is affiliate marketing.

You will learn how to affiliate with other companies, sell their products, and make commissions.

This Master Course will teach how to do just that with a theme-based website, the right keywords, and lots of traffic.

Meanwhile, back to Cape Coral .............. and we are so glad we moved here. There is so much to do and so much to see, and you get to do it all in our lovely, warm weather.

I hope you enjoy my website!

Tammy B

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